South Sudan Medical Relief

This has been an important program of Crosscurrents since 2006. It is directed by Dr. Jill Seaman, an American physician, who has been recognized globally for her work. She has been working in Old Fangak, South Sudan for over 25 years. The village of Old Fangak is remote. It requires an 8-10 day walk to the nearest road. There is a grass-strip runway. All supplies for the program arrive by charter flights. The program serves over 25,000 patients annually. Dr. Jill, as she is well known, provides both the leadership and day-to-day treatment of patients. The patients come by foot, often with their extended families. They bring all possible physical conditions from malaria, to TB, to famine, to new babies, to gunshot wounds. The schedule is 24/7. Dr. Jill lives very simple life in the small compound. There are a few local staff who have been trained in basic health care and there are a few international medical volunteers who come each year for special projects like eye care.
Crosscurrents provides key support for this program.
Jill and her medical team treat tuberculosis, Kala azar, trichiasis, and chronic hepatitis B – if you have never encountered or even heard of some of these diseases it may be because South Sudan’s health indices are among the worst in the world. The South Sudan Medical Relief (SSMR) works with the community to bring equity in health care, providing clinical services and training.
Please consider making a donation to support this critical work.